Thursday, April 9, 2015

Yunior is a Nerd

The narrator, Yunior, seems to be the favorite topic of ours as a class. He is certainly mysterious and complex enough for us to be curious at the least. This complexity is very interesting to me, however, when thinking about it in terms of Oscar. As we discussed in class the other day Yunior doesn't seem to necessarily like Oscar all that much, but instead, feels obligated to be nice to him. The reasons why Yunior feels this obligation are left up for speculations. A few theories included his attraction to Lola, the fact that he has an "inner Oscar," and that he simply does not have many other options, in terms of roommates, so Oscar becomes good enough.  The most interesting speculation, to me, was that Yunior may have a little more nerdiness within than is admitted.
When Yunior talked about the sign Oscar put on their door, I believe readers are suddenly admitted to this little part of Yunior that he tries to suppress because he is ashamed or embarrassed: ". . . you know what sign fool put on our dorm door? Speak friend, and enter. In. . .Elvish! (Please don't ask me how I knew this. Please.)" Yunior's begging for the reader to "please" not ask "how [he] knew this" is so desperate, I feel. Therefore, I think that perhaps both Yunior's obligation to, and dislike of, Oscar stems from the fact that Yunior has someone like Oscar deep within him. Because of who he is, a Dominican man, Yunior knows that he cannot embrace the "strangeness" that Oscar embraces because it will then turn him into Oscar (which in everyones mind seems to be a bad thing), so that cannot happen, therefore, he gets angry with Oscar because Oscar has something he wants. Also, Yunior's sympathy and obligation feeling comes from that inner nerd because Yunior understands Oscar and he wants him to be able to pull off being a nerd in the world, because if he can't then he wants Oscar to be able too.   What do you all think about this idea? I also was starting to relate this to Fun Home as well, in the way that Bruce wants Alison to at least be able to live in the world as a lesbian, even if he couldn't as a gay man. Thoughts?

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