Friday, April 24, 2015

Just to Reiterate . . .

As the semester comes to a close I just want to revisit some of my favorite topics of discussion that we have had throughout the semester; particularly the discussions on The Sun Also Rises as well as Pride and Prejudice.
Hemingway's novel has so many elements that I wish we had more time to discuss: Brett's complex character in more detail, the elements and issue of violence within the domesticity of the novel, the relationships between the characters, the affect of the war on the characters etc. I had never read, or even heard of, this novel and allow me to say that I am so glad I have now. I wold like to, in the future, examine the elements within the novel more deeply, and even examine them in relations to other novels or compare and contrast other characters in similar literature.
Of course, among all of the Austen I have read this semester,the one novel that has become very dear to me is Pride and Prejudice. I know that the novel is Austen's most well known and it may not seem very original of me to love it so much, but I really do. I am completely enraptured by the characters that she has created within it, especially Lizzy, and I feel that there are so many more layers to be dug up on this novel. I also am fascinated by the novel because it is very different from her other novels, yet, it also possesses an air of sameness with them.
Both of these novels will be ones that I revisit both for pleasure and for academics. Their ability to be so interesting and easy to read, yet be so complex and academically applicable is very exciting and interesting to me.

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