Friday, April 24, 2015

Fun Home & Fun Class

This class was definitely one of the more interesting classes I have taken at Shepherd. I loved the material and I found myself relating to the material a lot more than I usually am able to. As a non-English major, I always worry about struggling in the classes but I found this class made it easy to participate in discussions and follow along with the readings.

I think my favorite piece that we read was Fun Home just because it was so unlike anything I had ever read before. I love that it flipped tradition on its head and focused on the relationship between a father and daughter instead of a mother and daughter. A lot of times that relationship is never really focused on but I like that they found a sense of security in each other that is usually reserved for mothers and daughters. Of course, big kid picture books are always cool. I would definitely read Fun Home again just for fun.

Good luck to everyone in your future studies and thank you for making my final semester at Shepherd so special. Study hard and don't give up!

You got this!


  1. Fun Home was such a great story! I really liked that it was a new way of reading, for me at least. The pictures were a new way of 'reading' and I really enjoyed that the information can be taken in new ways. The pictures can show different meanings of words and I think that, at times, they were more enjoyable than the words.

  2. I also enjoyed reading fun home because it was so different than anything I've read, and I never would have picked up on my own. The fact that it was biographical added intrigue for me. It was so interesting how Bruce and Allison had exactly the same issue with their sex/gender.
