Thursday, April 16, 2015

Omission of Words in Oscar Wao

As I read the final section of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, I noticed that Yunior intentionally omitted certain words and replaced them with a ___. There were a few times when this was used in place of Ybon’s boyfriend’s name, but this could be explained by the possibility that Yunior did not know his name. There were other times that were harder to explain. He tells us that the Mongoose says something (301) to Oscar in his dream, but neglects to tell us what. Yunior omits words in an area where readers can easily surmise what the words were. In the section where Yunior explains what happened to him and Lola (327), Yunior states, “I’d finally try to say the words that would save us.” Then, he provides three blanks which leaves us to surmise that the words he is omitting is “I love you.” What does everyone else think is the purpose of these blanks?


  1. I just thought the blanks represented a topic that Yunior had not come to terms with yet. He feels like he has to write this story, but he can still omit things as he pleases. He still has to tell the reader that the topic is there, but does not have to state it directly.

  2. I agree with Danielle here. The blank spaces fall totally in line with the "paginas blancas" motif that has run throughout the novel. Maybe these spaces are blank because Yunior's sources (Oscar's journal?) are incomplete. It shows us the vulnerability of the narrator when he is accounting for a story like this in a secondhand sort of way. I personally like the imperfect or missing details of this novel.
