Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Not really an ACTUAL blog post...but still :)

Hey guys! I just wanted to take a moment to say that I really enjoyed class yesterday. I know that we (most of us, that is) are super, incredibly, stressed out, sleep deprived, and cranky right now. For this reason I just wanted to let you all know that yesterday was one of those days where I was like, "yeah, THIS is why I picked English Lit as my major." Dr. Hanrahan this totally pertains to you as well. Your love for The Brief  Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao has inspired me to pay closer attention to the reading. On my bookshelf at home I have a designated spot for my favorite novels, and this one is progressively making its way towards gaining a spot on that shelf. 

Even though you are very busy, if you could find a moment to pay it forward with a small act of kindness for someone who needs it I am sure it would be appreciated! I will even start the ball rolling by bringing in brownies or some other form of snack (I will take suggestions) for everyone in class on Friday as long as Dr. H is cool with it.

See you all soon!

My newest baby, Smudge, showing Oscar some love.


  1. I'm pretty sure his name is "Mittens

    1. Haha! I completely forgot about your name for her. What about Mittens as a middle name?

  2. Awww...thanks, Nicky! This made me smile. I am having so much fun with this class, so it's a pleasure to teach you all--especially a book that I love so much. And I am all about paying it forward, especially at a time of year like this, when folks on a college campus tend to need it.

  3. And that cat is adorable...with good taste in novels.

    1. Thanks! She makes quite the handy bookmark ;)

  4. KITTTTTTYYYYYYYYY!! It is heart-warming to know that my cats are not the only furry felines that decide to announce their royalty in the home!! :D
