Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sedaris, of course

Though I have enjoyed just about every piece of work we read in this course, "Go Carolina" was my favorite. When we read this piece, I blogged about how much I loved Sedaris and his work, which still stands true. I feel that some literature is absolutely meant to be serious and classical, but what would the English world be without some humor, crude humor, that is. The great thing about English are the never ending possibilities of books, poems, short stories, etc., and the even better part is the mystery behind what they're all about. Because I was familiar with Sedaris, I knew his short story would be funny, but for some who have not read anything by him, his humor may have taken them by surprise.

I just enjoy things more thoroughly when they can make me laugh, so Sedaris's writings are always a go to.

Thanks for a great semester, everyone!


  1. I too really enjoyed "Go Carolina." I found it humorous, but also very serious and meaningful. I intend to read some more of Sedaris this summer, you know, when I've got a little more time on my hands!

  2. I also enjoy humor over sadness especially when a lot of the pieces we read or tend to read in English have a tragic undertone. You almost felt bad for feeling sorry for the protagonist in Go Carolina because the character was so sassy and looked at life with this ironic sense of humor.
