Thursday, April 9, 2015

A little more on Yunior and the Watchers

Dani’s post on the Watchers had me turning to my comic collection and to investigate Yunior’s actual role. Warning: nerd rant.

To add another level of parallelism to this, the Watchers in the Marvel universe are separate and just observe, due to a catastrophic interaction in which they revealed themselves to a race, the Prosilicans, and told them about what amounts to nuclear technology, which the Prosilicans then used to destroy themselves. This occurred somewhere around Fantastic Four #13. This parallels Yunior when he gave Oscar the alcohol. He gifted him with something, much like the Watchers and the knowledge of nukes, which he then uses to (attempt to) destroy himself (the attempted suicide).

They later re-appear interfering with society in # 48 (-ish) when they help the Fantastic Four to defeat Galactus (who interestingly enough was the quote in the epigraph.) This leads me to question Yunior. I don’t like his character and how he seems so self-serving, but will he turn around and help Oscar to overcome his issues?  The end of Utuh, the head Watcher was when he was exiled by his people for interfering with society. This background on the Watchers leads me to question. If Yunior’s parallel with the Watchers continue, he falls into the role of Utuh, and would end up removed from Oscar’s life. Maybe does this help to lead to the ending, and Oscar’s demise?

(In case anyone is interested: the Fantastic Four plotline is the story that the movie The Silver Surfer is based off of. The surfer works for Galactus and the Watchers were cut out of the move.)

1 comment:

  1. I think it is so cool that you did some investigating on these Watchers via your comic book collection! It seems like Diaz must have sampled some storyline/borrowed some influences from the Marvel universe. Especially noting the Galactus epigraph, this is another example of how Diaz leaves us breadcrumbs to investigate for ourselves further.

    I am also wondering how Yunior's relationship with Oscar will culminate. To get hypothetical, I can't help but think the two will become separated and this is why Yunior feels he should tell this story, so to speak.
