Friday, April 17, 2015

The Similarities Between Lola and Irie

While we were discussing Lola today in class I was prompted to recall another book I have read this semester: White Teeth. Zadie Smith is a fellow modern author of Diaz's and I can see some of the same elements in both novels. The continual scandalous content as well as the "in your face" issues that the authors force readers to deal with are rampant in each novel. Also, the topic of blank space in Oscar Wao reminds me of the lost time that is in White Teeth (for those of you who have never read it the novel spans 3 generations and there are many gaps in time that are not filled and are left unspoken of). However, I mentioned that the discussion of Lola is what prompted the correlation. There is a young character named Irie in White Teeth; a young girl readers get to see grow to a young adult/teenager. However, we get Lola all the way through to her adult years. Allow me to explain the correlation I saw between the two.
Irie's heritage is from a mother of Jamaican decent and a white Englishman for a father, and she grows up with some difficulty fitting in and especially in finding the right guy. The issue of finding the right guy made me think of Yunior and Lola's relationship. While Irie has sex with the player in her story, whom she happens to love, Lola has sex with Yunior, the player, who she loves. However, the difference between the two girls, and this is what I found interesting,  is that Irie, at least where White Teeth ends, supposedly leaves Millat (the player), while Lola cannot seem to completely leave Yunior behind.  However, my theory when it comes to White Teeth is that things do not end where the novel ends and Irie is not so successful in leaving Millat behind, therefore, Lola, in my mind, is an example of what Irie will become in the future.
I would ask what everyone else's thoughts were but I realize most of you have probably not read White Teeth. I apologize for this not making any sense to those who never read White Teeth, I simply found the similarities between both the books and the characters fascinating.

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