Thursday, April 9, 2015

Await Further Instructions

This “Poor Abelard” section has left me feeling sympathetic, but rather frustrated with Beli’s father. Described as a brilliant doctor and an intellectual, I couldn’t understand his complete lack of action in regards to his situation. We are told from the beginning that Abelard essentially keeps his head down and does what he can to stay in the good graces of Trujillo. At the dictator’s banquets he “arrived early, left late, smiled endlessly, and didn’t say nothing” (215). This isn’t exactly a terrible idea considering the atmosphere, but even when his daughter is in danger of becoming a victim of sexual abuse, Abelard essentially does nothing. He does not send Jackie away. He does not attempt to escape with his family. He does not bring his daughter near Trujillo. Leaving her at home after the explicit request from Trujillo that she attend a party, showing up alone is a deadly defiance. He didn’t have a lot of options, but he had to know this would not end well. As a reader, I am thinking; get yourself and your family out of there. In the end, they are left in complete destruction. It’s clear these were dangerous and fearful times, but it seems that Abelard’s habit of doing nothing sealed the fate of himself and his family. 


  1. Even if Abelard did decide to run away with his family think about the implications if they were to be caught. Ultimately Abelard is trying to protect his daughter from being raped by hiding her from Trujillo. If the family were to be caught trying to escape just think about what would have happened to everyone. Trujillo had spies everywhere, so the risk of running may not have been the most favorable situation for the family. I think Abelard was stuck with the reality that he was helpless to protect his family from the terror of his dictator. I completely understand your point of view, but it is hard for me to blame Abelard for "doing nothing" when I think he was fated to the end he suffered regardless of his actions.

  2. I really disagree, he neglected his family's wellbeing by hoping everything would work itself out...I mean, what did he think was going to happen? At least running would have given them a chance? They all died anyway. Except Beli, who hasn't had a great life.
