Friday, April 10, 2015

What's in a name?

A post that Charles put up here earlier this week got me wondering why the lion references and immediately reminded me of Narnia.  The lion in that story is equated to Christ and sacrifices himself for the people as in the Bible.  So, I looked up Oscar's name since he was Beli's only son and his name means God's, I see the connection to the warrior and now wonder if there is a bit of savior in Oscar as I read on.  While the animal was equivalent in form to a mongoose in the cane fields, Beli saw the eyes of a lion, which is how her own eyes were described when she was taken home by La Inca.  Add all that to the fact that Beli creates God's spear with the lion (DeLeon) and I just have to wonder how all this is going to turn out.  Lola's  name means strong one which is obvious before the connotation being Beli's daughter (her name means highest supreme), but now I cannot wait to read on and see how all this connects.  It kind of amazes me that with all this talk of fuku, it seems all of these people were named with connotations to religion and being saved...

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