Friday, April 17, 2015

Fuku persona

At the end of the book Yunior mentions having a dream about the man with no face. At first he is scared and runs from it, but he knows it's Oscar. This reoccurring theme makes me wonder if the faceless man, being Oscar, is taking the personification of Fuku or zafa. When Yunior finally faces Oscar in the dream, he seems somewhat relieved. Which makes me come to the conclusion that Oscar represents the man with no face. Alive, Oscar was the persona or symbol of fuku.  After Oscar is killed, he comes to represent zafa. Oscar is rewarded for his life of fuku, so he was relieved by zafa  with peace and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. I'm somewhat confused as to what you mean in your post. I don't think Oscar as a person represents either Fuku or Zafa, but perhaps his actions do. I see Oscar's death as a Zafa of sorts or at least I think Oscar thinks it is. I think he believes his death will break the cycle and his family will move on cleansed of any curse.
