Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Where's the Color?

         While reading Fun Home, I could not help but notice how dull and dreary the colors are that are used in this novel. Throughout her story, she uses a grayish blue color on every single page. After thinking about it for a while, I came up with a few reasons why I think she may have omitted bright colors in her graphic novel. Because she is telling a story from her childhood, the black, white, and grayish colors give a feeling of the past and shows that this is a flashback into her memories. I also think that these three colors represent sadness or depression, and since this novel is jam-packed with gloomy events, I feel that these hues are fitting for the mood of the story. Lastly, I feel that if Bechdel had used bright, elaborate colors then it would take away from the seriousness of the novel. The cover of this novel, or at least my copy, is interesting because it is teal and almost holographic, but the inside is much more simple once it is opened. I was expecting a happier story because I judged this book by its cover. My question for you all is do any of you have any other reasons that the colors were so monotonous, or do you think I am looking into lack of color in this novel too much?


  1. I think you are right that the dull colors are meant to signify the sadness, and seriousness, of the story. Although the story is not a complete tragedy, it is clear that Alison Bechdel has meant for it to be difficult to understand in genre. She makes it clear that this story is meant to have an undertone of sadness by referring to it as a "tragicomic."

  2. Jessica, I find your observations about the absence of color in Fun Home insightful and enlightening. I think that you are on to something. There is much going on in Bechdel's graphic novel. You have added another layer to the interpretation. Good contribution to the discussion, Kristi. Nicely done!

  3. Well, manga are most often published in black and white, but to be fair most graphic novels and comics I read are in the glossy colorful pages. Fun Home lacks the gloss and the color. I think you are onto something with the depressed and flashback combinations.

    I think if she would have had a glossy page, but in black and white, it would not have had the same depressed and would have just represented more of a flashback.

  4. I want to interject that the only color used is the blueish teal cover, but also the cover has a silver color. Though covers usually have some sort of color and illustration, it sets the darkness of the interior off even more, I would agree. Your post made me consider the usefulness of the silver. Silver often shows second best or second place. This might be implying that Allison had a degree of success in her goals- making it through life, coming out, ect.- but she was never good enough for gold. Just a thought.

  5. I really like the way Danielle makes the point that even if Bechdel's work was in black and white it would make the reading of it differently. I was trying to imagine the pages glossy and black and white and it completely changed the way I thought about the panels and the way they worked for the story.

  6. This concept is such a great finding!! I didn't even think to recognize the color usage within the graphic novel. I am doing my critical essay on this text, and this would be a concept I would like to take into consideration. Jessica, if you do not mind, I may use some of what you said and quote it within my essay. I would also like to do some research and see what Alison Bechdel has said herself about her color usage as well. If I find anything I will be sure to come back to this post and attach it to another comment. I do think it is interesting that the dull colors correlate beautifully with the dull and dreary tone of the novel and story line.

  7. I too, thought about the use of color in this novel. The best way I can describe is to use the word "faded". It's almost like we are watching a strange dream or something. It definitely gives the feeling of something from the past, which was probably part of the intention.
