Thursday, April 16, 2015

Who is Oscar Wao?

     As I read The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao I found myself living within the story and watching Oscar find himself. I believe that the information Yunior gives about Oscar is very calculated, it is as if we are finding out who Oscar is while Oscar is finding out who he is. Oscar has lustful fantastical feelings towards just about every women he sees, he falls hard for them (but not in love with them). To me, Oscar finds out who he is through the experiences he has with women. Women are Oscar’s main interest, I find that women force Oscar to take chances. For instance, when Oscar realizes that Jenni is in a relationship, we see a part of Oscar that we haven’t seen before. Oscar goes crazy and rips posters off Jenni’s walls. We also see a different side of Oscar after he’s been with Ybón. After Oscar sleeps with Ybón, to me, he seems confident. Oscar’s confidence in his Dominican heritage shows when he is able speak perfect Spanish right before his death. Diaz writes, “The words coming out like they belonged to someone else, his Spanish good for once” (321). The confidence Oscar has after he sleeps with Ybón and speaks Spanish well, shows that Oscar now fits in with his Dominican ties. However, Oscar is murdered, I would argue, before we get to see who he truly is. What do you think? Do women contribute to Oscar’s search for “self”? Does Oscar find his self, or is he murdered before he can do so?


  1. I agree, it seems that it takes the love of a woman in order for Oscar to "find his voice". I do wonder if Oscar would have been able to lead a better life after being with Ybon, if he only the chance to. Love is such a powerful force, and it seems to have really helped Oscar in finding his strength.

  2. I would agree again that it takes a woman's voice to find himself, but I think this is a product of his expectation. He always knew he was going to die and he repeatedly said that a Dominican couldn't die alone. I think he was trying to fit into the prescribed expectations, and once he reached that, he was free to be himself. It was like he had a weight lifted and felt like he could be himself, now that he was done worrying about having sex.

  3. I agree with you, as well as the comments above. Oscar transforms as a character as we see his relationships with females in this novel. This idea that you see how truly crazy one can be when they are in love is true in our lives as well. Love makes people show their true colors and do crazy things, and I feel like that applies to how Oscar's character blooms in this text.
