Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Mongoose

So now that we've finished the book, I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks about this mysterious mongoose image. What do you think it symbolizes? Personally, I think it takes on a more spiritual or godlike representation because Beli and Oscar both see it when they are close to death. It seems to be a type of ghost or angel if you will. In many shows or movies, for example, a person who is dying will see a dead friend or relative and talk to them; that relative will either convince the person to die or come back to life. It appears that the mongoose sort of does this as well.


  1. Paige, Charles mentioned this last week and I think it is a spiritual being but for me it linked to Aslan from Narnia as the savior figure. The lion eyes immediately made the connection as well as Oscar and Beli's last name literally tranlating from DeLeon to The Lion. I think it is maybe a guide to move them through phases or realms with a hidden strength much like the one that Oscar and Beli both had within though Beli's would more outward. It's interesting!

  2. Good interpretation, Leah. The connection of the Mongoose with the lion eyes to the DeLeon family is a nice pickup. The lion symbolizes courage. I love the Pantheism in this book.
