Friday, January 23, 2015

Wishes for My Son

I found "Wishes for My Son" to be the most intriguing, out of the poetry packet.  It seems to me that Clifton wishes these feminine experiences on her son, so that he can appreciate and respect women.  Not only does she want for her son to step in her shoes but maybe even to be more sympathetic to girls that are just going through this experience.  We can all be mean at times, however, sometimes boys in middle to high school joke to make light of a situation. I believe that this I Clifton's way of showing her son to respect women because men will never experience the things we have to go through.  I found this poem to be very relatable I feel most women have had these experiences, the only thing I could not relate to was the title.  I'm not really sure if the men that read this had the same experience that the female audience did.  We would all like our sons, boyfriends, husbands, etc. to think like this but is it practical?  Does anyone think this poem intrigues the male audience or pushes them away?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Clifton seems to want her sons to be empathetic to women's experiences. She also clearly wants them to respect women.
