Friday, January 16, 2015

"Real Women" in the Reel World

This past Sunday was the Golden Globe Awards. The Golden Globes are hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press. They celebrate achievements in the world of acting both in movies and television. The awards are standard for the Hollywood elite: best actor, actress, and supporting actor and actress. While watching the awards I started to notice a theme. Every time an actress would win her award she would mention in her speech how excited she was that there were finally quality roles for women in both movies and television. However, when actress Maggie Gyllenhaal got up to accept her award she stated that she was finally happy to have roles that represent a "real woman". That got me to thinking.

How do we classify what makes a real woman? Is it subjective in the way that everyone had their own idea of what that term means? Or is it just if a woman watches a character on television or a movie and identifies with that female character, that woman is essentially a real woman? To me a real woman means that she is out on the world trying to get through life day by day. There is nothing fance or glamourous about her lifestyle. She is just simply doing the best she can everyday and hoping that is enough for the world. If the world doesn't ;like her, screw them. At least, she likes herself.

Like I said, everyone has their own definition of  what makes a real woman. What would yours be?


  1. Did she win for "honorable woman"? I just watched that series and its phenomenal! I reccomend.

  2. I have no idea who that actress is or the TV show, but here is my opinion.

    I would categorize a "real woman" that was portrayed on TV or a movie as an actress that shows what the average woman goes through. You know, the mom with the job, has to balance multiple kids, comes home to the second shift, etc. And this woman should not be a June Cleaver with a job.

    What is this actress's role in her movie or show?

  3. Personally, the phrase "real woman" doesn't sit well with me at all. I don't believe that there are any such qualifications that make a "real woman". Life is so full of variety and I think this idea of a "real woman" is rather narrow-minded. I believe that anyone who labels themselves as a woman is in fact a "real" woman.

  4. If I am referring to an actress my version of a "real woman" would be Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, or Taylor Schilling (Orange is the New Black).

    My version of a "real woman" is not always pretty. They have embarrassing moments and are not always perfect/poise. A "real woman" is determined and can work any job.
