Friday, January 30, 2015

Lady Brett's search for completion

As we discussed in class today, Lady Brett is missing something in her life. I would argue that what she is missing is the true love she felt for the man she lost during the war. I do believe that her love for Jake is genuine too, but it lacks something that she previously had with her true love. She is searching for the feeling of completness that she felt with this love. I believe that this loss of love had crippled Lady Brett in a way. I would agree with what some of my classmates said about Brett being deppressed and that this deppression is what cripples her. I don't believe that Brett thinks she will ever find a love like the one she had and that this is what prevents her from having a happy relationship with Jake.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan, I think your theory about Brett makes a lot of sense. I think there is something missing in Brett, something she cannot find in a cheap relationship or from a bottle of alcohol. I also agree that there is chemistry between her and Jake. Perhaps the final chapters will shed some light on the issue. But judging from what we know about Hemingway's writing, probably not.It could be that Brett is a reflection of Hemingway's own depression.
