Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Empower! Don't Compete.

In my life, I've witnessed females degrade, mock, and compete with other women on an almost day to day basis. Perhaps at the time Triffles was published, the women's loyalty to their sex was seen as a gender norm. Now however, it seems like instead of all women being on the same team, we play on our own and compete against each other. Too often I hear women refer to other women as sluts, bitches, prudes, dikes and any number of other derogatory terms. I would argue that it's time we stop competing, take a note out of Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter's book, and start playing on the same team. It's time we stop judging each other for how we look and act. It doesn't matter how individuals dress, what their sexual oreintation is, or how many sexual partners they may or may not have had. We're all different and we're all beautiful! It's time we start reminding one another!


  1. I could not agree more Morgan. I have always marched to the beat of a different drummer and my attitude is take it or leave it...I could care less. I like who I am and I like everyone else until they give me reason not too. Bathroom buddies unite!! Girls needs girls and we need that place of familiarity and connectivity. Screw the haters- they miss out- the revolution is grassroots and quite simple. Love all, love equally and love until they won't let you because THEY chose it- at least that's how I look at the world.

  2. I agree with you, Morgan. I have experienced and witnessed much of the same name calling that you described in your blog post, and it confuses me why all girls and women find it to be a competition amongst each other. I know it's something we've all heard before, but if we were all the same, the world would be SO boring.

  3. This reminds me of a quote from "Mean Girls" where Tina Fey is talking to the junior girls and says, "you all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it ok for guys to call you sluts and whores." That is the truth. If we can't even respect eachother as members of the same gender, how can we expect other men to respect us? You don't have to like everyone, but slut-shaming and judging each other's physical appearance is shallow and uncalled for.

  4. Rachel, I love that you brought that quote to my attention! You are right, It is so true and so is your point about respect. Respect is really what it's all about, respecting everyone's right to be different and free.
