Thursday, January 29, 2015

Robert Cohn: the "frienemy"

As we venture through the novel, it is clear that Robert Cohn is not the most popluar amongst his acquaintances, or is he? Jake always says he likes Cohn, but then hates him and is jealous of him. Bill goes off on a drunk tangent and verbally attacks Cohn, and Mike does the same thing. It's Jake's reactions to these incidents that make it seem like he does like Cohn, but, then again, he doesn't always like Cohn--Cohn in the friend everyone dislikes. The passage that really caught my eye while reading for Friday's class is on page 152. Jake says that he "liked to see him hurt Cohn." "He," referring to Mike. Immediately following this statement, though, Jake says he "wished [Mike] would not do it, though, because afterward it made [him] disgusted at [himself]." I think my main question her is why? Why has Jake developed this love-hate feeling toward Cohn?


  1. My interpretation is that Jake envies Cohn because he has presumably made love to Brett. Jake is resentful because he cannot consummate his love for Brett due to his war injury. Was it castration? Similarly, he feels that Cohn is undeserving of Brett's attention because he did not fight in the war. He risked nothing. In Jake's mind, I think this makes Cohn unworthy of respect, which also explains his alienation from the war veterans, despite his periodic likeability. Jake knows that his behavior is not noble, but he cannot help the way he feels. Life is unfair, but you have to play the hand you are dealt.

  2. I believe that Jake is envious of Cohn for multiple reasons, and has been for years. However, I believe the knowledge of Cohn and Brett, and their little trip pushed him over the edge in his dislike for Cohn. Of course, I cannot quite place why Jake seems to be conflicted with his dislike for Cohn, however, I think that there is something that Jake is attached to in his past, perhaps from the war, that makes him sympathize with Cohn at times.

  3. I would agree with Charles, Jake is jealous of Cohn due to the factthat he had relations with Brett that Jake himself will never be able to have. I think however, that perhaps Jake can sympathize with Cohn on certain levels. Cohn lacks certain qualites that the other men posses, just as Jake lacks something the other men posses. I believe it is this commonality between the two that causes conflict in Jake's feelings toward Cohn.
