Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pronouns done by Clinton

Although all of the pieces we have read this week have affected me in multiple ways, I believe that Clifton has taken the cake!  In the poems that we were assigned, "To My Last Period," "homage to my hips," Poem to My Uterus," and "wishes for my sons," I was incredibly distracted.  After a while I realized that I was so bothered by her writing because of the pronouns she utilizes within her poetry.  She gives her anatomy female references.  I am not sure why I feel this is significant; however, I do feel that it is important to note.  I had also noticed that she utilizes a lower-case "i," instead of the capitalized "I" when she refers to herself.  I would suggest that she does this because she is trying to take the focus off of herself as an individualized female and redirect the relevance towards females as a human species.  

-Brittany Kief


  1. I believe that it made sense to refer to her anatomy as female, since it is a distinctly female quality, but I can see where it work as a male quality. Since it can be associate with gore and the more gross side of child-rearing, I feel that it could be applicable to refer to her anatomy as male, since blood is commonly associated with violence, which is a dominantly male trait.

  2. Brittany, I never even thought to look at these aspects of the poems. I'm not sure I understand the significance of the pronouns either, but I like how you have pointed them out. I think it's something that is definitely worth noting as well. I, personally, think you may be on the right track with your ideas with the proposition that she is attempting to take the focus off herself as an individualized female.
