Friday, January 30, 2015

Brett's Emptiness

This week while reading I began to give a lot of thought to the character Brett. Although some are not to fond of her and others are fascinated by her, I am unsure how I feel about her. I feel that she is missing something in her life. It is as if she feels the need to sleep with men to fulfill a hole in her life. It is very possible that she feels unsatisfied in her relationship because of the love she lost during the war. She even says at one point that she is depressed and unhappy. I do not feel that she really has feelings for the men that she sleeps with except for Jake. Like someone had commented today, Jake and Brett have a relationship that works out on their own terms. I do not believe that she is "madly in love" with Romero. I feel that it is an infatuation because Romero is foreign and new to her, thus temporarily filling her emptiness. -Brittany Kief


  1. I think all of these issues are valid. I agree in the fact that I don't know how to feel about her just yet. I think she is polarizing but still relatable on some level. I definitly do not htink any of these men are the love of her life. I think she had that and lost it and that is why she is so depressed. Something that tragic is hard to come back from.

  2. Brett was a nurse in the war. She probably saw more than the soldiers on the front lines. A lot of people that come out of that situation aren't happy with their lives anymore. They have to try new things, when the new things fail to make them happy they go on to newer things. It's an endless cycle.

    Jake commented that Brett changed after the war. She cuts her hair, she wants to be called "Brett," she takes on a new fashion trend. And she goes through men at an alarming rate. I think these are all attempts to find something that will make her happy. What else did women have to try in the 20s? They were meant to become housewives and have kids. End of story. They couldn't try careers, join a band, go hunting, find a hobby.

    People coming out of war today do the same thing. They change as a person and try anything and everything to get some happiness back. Fortunately, women have more options today. Brett had very few, but she tried what she had access too.

    Therefore, I can't hate her as a person or a character.
