Thursday, January 29, 2015

All About Brett

I'm just going to say it, Brett is my favorite character in this novel. She is damaged, complex, in some ways mysterious, and all around intriguing. I'm not sure why, but I never made the connection between Hemingway's Brett, and Fitzgerald's Daisy, but after others had mentioned it, there are definitely similarities. I think it's really just the promiscuous persona of the women and their desire for attention. Brett, however, helps makes this novel more masculine, because her character is emasculated. We have discussed how Brett wears her hair short, uses terms such as "chap," and dresses in more a masculine way. As we continue reading, more masculine implications are made. On page 138, towards the bottom, Jake says something I found almost humorous: "Brett was wearing a Basque beret. So was Mike."The way in which Jake casually inserts "So was Mike," was funny to me, but it also serves as another example of how Brett is emasculated. I also think Brett's desire to drink portrays something more masculine. Sure, women can drink and enjoy it, but to drink to such an extent was something seen more in men--take Jake, Bill, and Mike, for example. Either way, I am surely interested to see how Brett's character continues to evolve.

1 comment:

  1. Great insight about the way Hemingway describes the hats!
