Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gray Areas

There is no denying the fascination that comes with Brett Ashley’s character. She is brains, beauty, and charisma all in one. Lovely and provocative, Brett breathes life into this novel and is essentially the focal point of the piece it seems. Every man she meets is swept away by her charms, and many are granted her prize. There have been questions about her motives and statements regarding her promiscuity, but what does it all mean about her character? After much consideration, I don’t believe we can paint this woman in black or white, as is true for most people. Okay, Brett sleeps around. While some people find this alone to be morally unsound, I don’t think it is. Monogamy isn’t for everyone and I respect the decision follow one’s own desires. I, however, wish that Brett had more self-control. While I understand that it is hard to distance yourself from somebody you love (Jake), isn’t it harder to watch that person be hurt by you time and again? Brett is impulsive; she does whatever she wants to do with little regard to how it may affect other people. Do I think she is an inherently bad person? No, I don’t believe that. I’d even go as far to say that she feels remorse for her actions, but she will repeat them. I will admit, I gained some resepect for Brett knowing that she is honest with her soon-to-be husband about her ways. In conclusion, I feel very sorry for Brett. I don’t even think her promiscuity makes her happy at the end of the day. It gives her instant gratification which generally comes with not so gratifying consequences.


  1. I think that she is using her promiscuity to hide behind. She never actually gets involved in a serious relationship other than Mike, that we know of. She treats him rather badly, though. I do agree that I feel sorry for her but I think she is trying to settle in a displeasing relationship so that she doesn't have to own up to her feelings for Jake.

    1. Your observation is insightful, Caroline. I, too, think that Brett is unfulfilled by her many shallow relationships. Her promiscuous behavior is, I think, like her heavy drinking, an indicator of inner loneliness. She is seeking something that she cannot find in a relationship or a bottle. Is she infatuated with Pedro Romero or will her relationship with him prove to be something more? Perhaps Brett hurts men because they disappoint her. It will be interesting to see how the novel ends.Indeed, so many gray areas.
