Friday, February 13, 2015

Who is Jane Austen?

I know I already made my post for this week, but I wanted to continue our discussion that we started in class today revolving around Jane Austen and how she relates to her characters.  I think most of us would readily agree that from Pride and Prejudice Elizabeth is the heroine we are rooting for because Austen wants us to root for her. We have recognized Elizabeth as strong willed, witty, and prideful- all characteristics I think Austen wishes to emulate in her style of writing.  With that being said, I keep circling back to Jane Bennett and her angelic like composure. She is the ultimate epitome of a selfless creature, the one who deserves ultimate happiness in her life. It is hard not to want to be more like Jane.  I wonder why Austen wrote both Elizabeth and Jane the way she did. Do you think Austen's characters were an extension of herself/ of who she wanted to be?

1 comment:

  1. I think she created each character the way society would relate to them. For Elizabeth she first made the reader pity her so in the end we wanted her to have the happy ending. For Jane I think she created her as the girl we all want to be beautiful and angelic, but she lacks the prideful characteristics of the human personality. Jane is basically the whole package and to give her the happy ending would be very predictable for her audience.
