Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brett and Lizzie- Friend or Foe

As I am working my way through "Pride and Prejudice", I keep wondering what would have happened if Lady Brett and Lizzie would have been left in a room together?  While part of me shudders to think what Lizzie would have thought of the alcoholic one night stand "lady" Brett, I really think overall all they may have gotten along handsomely.  Brett has a quick wit, good sense of humor and loves to see and be seen, and so far I am picking the same up from Lizzie.  I think that Lizzie could offer a razor sharp critique of those around her, particularly Cohn, of whom I think they would have a shared disdain, could commiserate on his soggy emotions and eviscerate him wholly.  I think Brett would have agreed with Lizzie and Mr. Bennet's opinion of Lizzie's windy presumptuous mother, and could possibly offer to Lizzie ways she could drive her mother batty that she never could have imagined on her own, and I would love to hear the resulting chaos of such a collaboration. I think Lizzie may be able to help Brett resolve some of her self loathing and perhaps lend her the support and advice she needs to find herself and become a lady, instead of making a mockery of the title.  I would also love to hear Brett's initial take on Mr. Darcy and what she would advise Lizzie on the subject and to hear Lizzie give Brett a tongue lashing on her treatment of poor Jake.  What I wouldn't give to hear Brett's critique on Mr. Collins and to hear Lizzie laugh in agreement! If only Austen was born 100 years later what a story Pride and Prejudice as The Sun Rises would be!


  1. Leah, I really like thinking about what Brett and Elizabeth would be like together. I think you're right in the respect that Elizabeth would have appreciated Brett's spunk, and I think Brett would have found Elizabeth charming. I can't imagine Brett being able to survive, however, in Elizabeth's world. She would have be looked down upon I believe if she acted the same way she does in "The Sun Also Rises," simply because it would have been highly unladylike. While I do not think they would have been good friends I do agree that it would have been rather entertaining to see them in each others worlds or together.

  2. As Chloe said earlier I don't believe Brett would have been able to survive in the world of Pride and Prejudice. Having said that I do that that Elizabeth could have survived in The Sun Also Rises. I think it would be a real shock to the character at first being thrown into this radically different world, but I believe she would embrace some of the changes and adapt very well. I'm not sure if I believe Brett and her would become friends, perhaps social acquaintances. I feel that Elizabeth would find Brett to be too brash and Brett would feel judged by her which wouldn't really allow them to become fast friends.

  3. Leah, I think all in all it would ultimately depend on the plot we are choosing to put these two characters in. I feel that Elizabeth would be completely out of place in Brett's world; however, I feel that she would warm up quickly and fit in nicely and her wit and bitey attitude would work well with Hemingway's characters. If Brett were to be in Austen's world; however, I do not feel that things would go so smoothly. Brett, in my opinion, would be to "out there" for Austen's character's and I am not sure that Austen's world would be ready for all of Brett's personality.

  4. What a fun idea to wonder about!
