Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Mrs. Bennet Fan!

In class today, I did not feel like many individuals liked Mrs. Bennet. This is my second time reading Pride and Prejudice and I really feel myself warming up to Mrs. Bennet this time around. Perhaps, I understand her character’s demeanor. However, I understand any dislike you may have towards Mrs. Bennet.  Personally, I believe Mrs. Bennet has some of the most colorful and memorable sentences in the book: “‘If I can see my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,’ said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, ‘and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing to wish for’” (7). If that passage does not spark your interest, here is another interesting line from Mrs. Bennet: “Only think of that my dear; he actually danced with her twice; and she was the only creature in the room that he asked for a second time” (9). Each of these quotes are so vibrant and interesting to me. They make Mrs. Bennet's character more authentic to the reader.
            As I said in class, Mrs. Bennet is sassy, but I love her personality. Sometimes I occasionally laugh at her, but I think Austen would want us to.  She may not be as witty as Mr. Bennet or Elizabeth. However, she is doing what is best for all of her daughters during this time period. Another point I wanted to make is I have noticed people comparing Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth. I understand how this connection is made, but I also think that Elizabeth has characteristics of Mrs. Bennet. Elizabeth is outspoken and that is how I perceive Mrs. Bennet. What do you think about that? Is Elizabeth a collaboration of characteristics from both parents?
As a side note …(I know this has nothing to do with my blog, but I cannot get it out of my head)
For those of you that have read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott…. Jo and Elizabeth? Comparison? I think so.


  1. I don't dislike Mrs. Bennet. I find her character to be rather fun and I often find myself sighing or shaking my head at some of the things she does. I think you are right though, she has a vibrant way of talking that makes her character quite memorable!

  2. It is probable that Elizabeth shares characteristics with both of her parents. However, so far, I've seen a lot of Elizabeth's head-strong, independent, and witty personality shine through. I would attribute these characteristics to Mr. Bennet. Yes, I definitely see a similarity between Jo and Elizabeth. They are both intelligent young women who are quite independent (for the time period).

  3. I also absolutely adore Mrs. Bennet! I find something so familiar and endearing in her character, and I can't help but wonder if Austen experienced such a woman in her own life or if Mrs. Bennet is purely fictional.

    I really enjoy the thought, Kristen, that Elizabeth is a perfect composite of both of her parents' personalities. I do see glimpses of both Mr. and Mrs. B in her, particularly in her dealings with Mr. Collins.

  4. The connection to _Little Women_ is great. Students have written about this before, but I am always eager to see a fresh take on it. Paper topic, Kristen???
