Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Two Innocent Characters in "Old Woman Magoun"

The majority of the characters that are mentioned by name in “Old Woman Magoun” has an unlikeable quality. Old woman Magoun lets her granddaughter eat the nightshade berries, thereby killing her. Sally Jinks is dumb: “She really knew how to do scarcely anything” (419). Nelson Barry wanted to give his estranged daughter to a friend, Jim Willis, after losing at poker. The only characters that could be considered innocent are Lily Barry and Isabel Barry. Lily Barry acts like an innocent child. She trusts strange men, because they seem nice. She carries around her rag doll, even though she is fourteen years old. The narrator states, “She was very small, and walked like a child, with the clap-clap of little feet of babyhood. She might have been considered, from her looks, under ten” (420). She eventually dies because of her naiveté and innocence. Although Isabel Barry is mentioned a few times, her character only appears once. Her brother uses her as a maid: “Isabel, the half-witted sister, entered, bringing some glasses on a tray. She had learned with her feeble intellect some tricks, like a dog” (424). Because of the way these two characters are portrayed, the audience is meant to feel sorry for them. The other characters, except for old woman Magoun, you do not feel sorry for. We feel sorry for old woman Magoun because she lets the only thing she cares about die to protect her from her father and her father’s friend.


  1. Keegan, I wonder if some of these feeble-minded characters were the result of inbreeding.

  2. I would agree that Lily, Old Woman Magoun, and Isabel are innocent characters. Like Charles mentioned, I believe that Isabel's "half witted" character is the result of inbreeding. I do not think Old Woman Magoun is as innocent as Lily and Isabel. I think she is just doing her best to protect Lily.

  3. I find Isabel's appearance in the story to be one of the most important. It is so short, but seems so powerful. I agree that there are similarities between Lily and Isabel, and I believe that Isabel is meant to show Lily's future if she were to go with Nelson. Freeman does the best she can to help us understand Old Woman Magoun's fears and actions.

  4. I find Isabel's appearance in the story to be one of the most important. It is so short, but seems so powerful. I agree that there are similarities between Lily and Isabel, and I believe that Isabel is meant to show Lily's future if she were to go with Nelson. Freeman does the best she can to help us understand Old Woman Magoun's fears and actions.

  5. I definitely think that there is something going on with the bloodlines and the feeble minded characters. I like how you bring up that the readers are directed to feel sorry for certain characters as opposed to others.

  6. I agree with you. It is easy to feel sorry for Lily and Isabel simply because they are innocent characters. I do have to disagree with feeling bad for Old Woman Magoun though. Yes, she was trying to protect Lily, but I feel as if I would have found a different form of protection other than death.
