Friday, February 27, 2015

The Love of Culture

I thought that Far's "Mrs. Spring Fragrance" was a beautiful story.  Although it seems to be one only of love, I think it is deeper than that. Gender roles are prominent in the culture that Mr. and Mrs. Spring Fragrance live in at first, but Mrs. Spring Fragrance is fascinated by American culture. She was "Americanized," and although her husband was less, he was still falling into American culture.
While reading the story I was scared that this was going to be a story of loss; that Mr. Spring Fragrance would misunderstand his wife, and their relationship would crumble. Yet they stay as strong as ever, and Mrs. Spring Fragrance's vibrancy keeps two loves (her own and that of Laura) together. This story shows the blending of cultures, and the differences of love. Although Mrs. Spring Fragrance and her husband had an arranged marriage, their love is just as strong as Laura and Kai Tzu.
I believe that underneath the surface this story is about culture, understanding, and acceptance. It also has an undertone of struggle, as we learn that Mr. Spring Fragrance's brother has been detained.


  1. Kristi, I think you make some good points in your post. Indeed, I think there are undertones of struggle throughout the story. For instance, there is cultural conflict.There is also the struggle for the Spring Fragrance couple to assimilate into a new culture while holding onto aspects of the old. This seemingly mundane story is deeper than it first appears. In fact, like Eileen, I had to do some background research on the author and read the story a second time to gain a better appreciation of her intentions. We learn, too, that there are many ways to see things and many ways of interpretation. One cultural belief is not necessarily right at the expense of the other being wrong.

  2. I like that it took a look at how people assimilate into American culture as well. Not everyone adjusts as well as Mrs Spring Fragrance and I think her husband was leary of that at first but I think the fact that they became "Americanized" and less traditional made the story a happier one. I also like that it shows the beauty in an arranged marriage as well.

  3. I believe the cultural conflict within the story is what makes it so interesting. If you move to another country after a certain amount of time you naturally are going to pick up aspects of that culture. I found that this cultural tension somewhat strengthens their relationship.

  4. I think Danielle is right: the tension between cultures does bring this couple even closer together--not what the reader might expect.
