Friday, February 6, 2015

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth

I have to admit when Austen first introduced Darcy I hated him.  However, now I find myself rooting for him to get the girl.  Darcy just seems so curious about Lizzy.  Austen has put so much chemistry between Elizabeth and Darcy thus far.  Although Elizabeth is playing very hard to get, I don't think she is even aware of what she is doing.  It seems like this is the true love that  Austen is leading us to in the novel, with a game of cat and mouse.  I have a feeling Darcy is going to change to be the man for Elizabeth.  Does anyone else see this being a marriage later on?  If so, would Mr. Bennett approve considering he refused to let her marry Mr. Collins?

1 comment:

  1. I share your sentiments, Danielle. I think that we are witnessing a shift in Elizabeth's consciousness as the truth begins to penetrate the layers of her own pride and prejudice. It will be interesting to see if she and Darcy are married. Despite his oftentimes haughty attitude, there is substance to Darcy. There is something I like about him. I think Mr. Bennet would approve. Darcy is no Mr. Collins.
