Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The West Virginia Nun

I realized as I was reading "The New England Nun" for the second time this afternoon that I am way too much like Louisa for my comfort.  I sat at my kitchen table just this afternoon looking around the house I had just finished cleaning and thought, "It would be so nice to live alone and have the house look like this all the time".  I felt a bit guilty afterward but not unlike Louisa, I am very picky about the condition of my home and I have two very large Joe Daggetts constantly tromping mud through on their work boots, piling dishes up in the sink, leaving me stacks of laundry and making general mayhem.  As I was reading about Louisa enjoying the pristine conditions of her home in the relative quiet I could completely relate.  I could see her starched table cloth and her tea set in perfect order and her little dishcloth without motor oil stains on it!I have nothing but admiration for dear Joe wanting to marry her even though he no longer loved her and for her keeping her end of the bargain, but through the story both times I mourned her freedom right along with her.  I love my family and I love having a family, but to be Louisa for a few days would be heaven!  I was so happy Joe found love in Lily who was so very much like him and Louisa got to live in her utopia! 


  1. Leah, I appreciate your candor. Who has not felt that way at times? I find it interesting that we can find liberation in domesticity, which was something I had not considered prior to reading this piece.

  2. Of course, I've never been married, and I only lived on my own, with a roommate, for a year, so I can't necessarily relate. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to be alone; perhaps, because you, Leah, do have children, a husband, and so much going on in your life, you would love to be in Louisa's shoes. I, personally, can't be by myself for more than a couple of hours, or I'd become extremely bored. I think it's great that you could find an escape in Louisa and relate so well to her.

  3. First of all, great title! I really agree with these sentiments and while I have also never been married, I can see how those moments of peace may be coveted. I have always loved my alone time and I think everybody needs to set some time apart for themselves when they can. Also, while I love my boyfriend, he can be a slob and I don't particularly look forward to picking up after him if we were to move in together! He would have to be trained. lol.

  4. Exactly Rachel! If you get him trained PLEASE let me know what you did!
