Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Love the Movie Version. Most Ardently.

While reading Pride and Prejudice I will have to admit that my likeness for the book has been bred from the love I have for the movie version (Pride & Prejudice). I know that a few of my classmates have both seen and enjoyed the movie, so this video clip will merely be a recap for some. However, for those that have not viewed the film, I wanted to share my favorite scene in hopes of encouraging you to watch it. The scene I speak of is none other than the proposal between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. I have been waiting specifically until it was crossed in the reading to make this post so as not to spoil the story line. Keep in mind that the scene does not match the book word-for-word  (in some places it does), nor does it have the same setting as the novel. However, I am taken by the absolute attention to detail (especially Elizabeth's muddy hem at the beginning of the clip!). Enjoy!



  1. I am so glad someone posted about the movie! And I am hoping this counts towards one of my comments for the week!! [HANRAHAN COUGH COUGH ;) ] I wanted to point out exactly how the movie (which I watched way before I ever read this book), made me realize that the BOOK IS SO MUCH BETTER! Honestly, I feel like more happens, or is explained in the novel. The movie felt like a lot of "this is happening for two hours," now "this is happening for two hours," and so on and what have you. I feel that we are able to grasp these character arcs a lot more with the novel because we are in Austen's pen, so to speak. For example, Mr. Darcy in the movie did not seem as isolated and to himself like when he is explained in the book. I will say, the soundtrack for the movie is AWESOME! Closer to my point, I feel that the novel gives readers a more personal and intimate connection with Austen's characters.

  2. I am biased towards the very faithful (and very long!) BBC version--haven't seen this one, yet, but I know people love it.
