Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fern on Feminism

I loved the Fern piece "Hints to Young Wives" and was so happy to read Kristi's post on it.  I loved the same part about finding the letter also, but still maintain the the opening line where she wants to not only burn the advice books but the authors with them was fantastic.  I laughed out loud out her boldness and to the fact that I agreed wholeheartedly.  Though I agree that there is definitely a parallel to Daisy in Gatsby, I was immediately drawn more to Sylvia Plath.  Her reference to motherhood, being female and the roles automatically expected and her disdain to those roles seemed so reminiscent of what Fern is stating in some ways.  While Fern likely did not hate the roles of the "fair sex" to the extent Plath did, I still see that same pushing back to the norm.  We see that in Freeman with her rewriting the traditional role, Fern's outspoken critique of gender roles, Austen's novel writing and living her life as a single woman, and Plath's complete disinterest in anything feminine.  How inspiring to see the strength of the generations before us pioneering a place for us today!  I love how they give us guideposts without losing their individuality in the process.

1 comment:

  1. After you pointed it out, I did see the similarities between Sylvia Plath and Fern. Both critique the traditional female roles, in their own unique ways.
