Thursday, February 26, 2015

When a Man Loves a Woman: "Mrs. Spring Fragrance"

In “Mrs. Spring Fragrance,” I found the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Spring Fragrance most interesting. Mr. Spring Fragrance seems to make a complete transition from conservative traditional Chinese beliefs to conservative American Chinese beliefs. When Mr. Spring Fragrance first realizes the true meaning of Tennyson’s quote, “‘Tis better to have loved and lost, / Than never to have loved at all,’” he seems outraged by the idea of a woman loving a man she will not marry (507). Mr. Spring Fragrance even contemplates whether Mrs. Spring Fragrance is being unfaithful and “is just like an American woman” (511). Mr. Spring Fragrance seems stuck in his traditional Chinese ways until Mr. Chin Yuen tells him that his daughter is no longer in an arranged marriage and that she can marry Kai Tzu. I think Mr. Spring Fragrance begins to make a transition from conservative Chinese beliefs, not only because the Yuen family has, but also for his wife. Mrs. Spring Fragrance has become “Americanized” and Mr. Spring Fragrance has been struggling with her Americanization. When Mr. Spring Fragrance says to Mrs. Spring Fragrance, “I would prefer to hear again about Ah Oi and Man You and Laura and Kai Tzu,” he finalizes his transition from conservative Chinese beliefs to conservative American Chinese beliefs because he is interested in Laura and Kai Tzu’s marriage. I believe Mr. Spring Fragrance makes this transition to make his wife happy because he loves her, what do you think?


  1. I think with most people that are new to an idea or place, they will inevitably adapt. Most of the time their beliefs and habits are changed as well. His wife seems to have given him a push in adjusting, but I think he would have eventually on his own. He was always talking to his American neighbor, so the other ideals were present already and he may have come to terms with them on his own eventually, but Mrs. Spring Fragrance certainly accelerated the adjustment.

    He may be interested since he is finally accepting of the idea. He may want to learn more about these new cultural norms work.

    I think it was a very sweet story though.

  2. I know a couple in an arranged marriage and while it was very hard for them at first, they adjusted. They knew and respected their religion and from a very young age accepted that they would end up with whomever their families selected. I think the story paints the possibilities as rosy and I hope for most it is that way, but I am SO happy to be in a family where I get to choose.
