Monday, February 2, 2015


This is not my weekly blog post. I just wanted to share this advertisement from 'Always' with the class. I saw the ad while watching The Super Bowl and i have probably watched it at least 5 times since. I think the commercial applies topics we discuss in class and it is just something to think about. The link is posted below.



  1. An interesting social commentary about stereotypes and the effects they have on young women. This is something that most men probably do not think about. Thank you for sharing this with the class.

  2. I agree, this was very interesting. Kristen if you haven't seen the documentary "Miss Representation" I could get you a copy of it. It follows along the lines of what you shared.

    It would be interesting to know when doing something "like a girl" becomes a negative. Certainly in puberty, but a peer had to grasp that idea first for it to spread.

  3. I loved this commercial, too! And, like Kristen, I think it connects to our larger discussions in interesting ways.

    And I agree with Danielle: Miss Representation is a terrific documentary!

  4. Yes! I have watched Miss Representation on Netflix. Love it!

  5. I am not going to lie, at first I giggled at this. I didn't watch the superbowl (I know, I know BRITTANY YOU'RE SO BORING BLAH BLAH BLAH... ANYWAYS GUYS!!!)... but after I giggled, I felt that this was very empowering and a beautiful way to send this message! Brilliant, wonderful, amazing, loved it. I'm glad you posted this. And I will have to check out the Miss Representation (Because I am a nerd for documentaries, probably why I didn't watch the superbowl).. amazing to say the least. :)
