Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Differences Between The Sun Also Rises and Pride and Prejudice

When I started to read Pride and Prejudice I saw a lot of differences in the writing style, characters roles, and gender when compared to The Sun Also Rises. Pride and Prejudice was written over one hundred year before, so it isn't surprising. I wanted to know what differences between the two books stood out to other readers? Whether it is how the writing style differs or how similar characters are casted in two different lights.

I miss the simplistic and ambiguous writing style of Hemingway.


  1. The most noticeable difference for me was their writing styles. Heminway's is short and sweet, his sentences as you say are simplistic and ambiguous. While Austen writes long, frilly, and very detailed sentences. They too can sometimes be just as ambiguous though. I also found a lot more dialog in Pride and Prejudice than The Sun also Rises... I'm not sure what to make of this yet.

  2. The most noticeable difference for me was their writing styles. Heminway's is short and sweet, his sentences as you say are simplistic and ambiguous. While Austen writes long, frilly, and very detailed sentences. They too can sometimes be just as ambiguous though. I also found a lot more dialog in Pride and Prejudice than The Sun also Rises... I'm not sure what to make of this yet.
