Monday, March 30, 2015

A bit more about Fun Home, the musical

I know Danielle has already posted a bit about this, but there is a musical based on Fun Home, and it's been getting good reviews. Alison Bechdel is a fan. Anyway, check out this piece about the cast visiting the actual home. Lots of good links in this piece, too--prepare to go down a Fun Home rabbit hole!


  1. LOL, I just blogged on that. I got nosy yesterday and looked at her personal site and "Dykes to Watch Out For". She stayed there with them and said the place is for rent to anyone who has $350/day (not me). Her own pics were a bit heartbreaking however...see the tub shot. Old habits do die hard.

  2. If you are going to leach off my post, then I should get higher than an 88. Haha :)
