Monday, March 2, 2015

The Power Within

While Edna's "awakening" started off slowly, I would argue that when she finally learned to swim her awakening truly took off. "That night she was like the tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with over-confidence" (27). As Edna conquers her fears or the "ungovernable dread {that] hung about her when in the water" (27) and realizes her "powers" she is able to translate this confidence into her awakening. That night Edna begins to outwardly defy her husband. Mr. Pontellier desires for her to come in for the night saying, "I can't permit you to stay out there all night. You must come in the house instantly" (31). Edna refuses, "perceiv[ing] that her will had blazed up" and says to Mr. Pontellier, "Don't speak to me like that again; I shall not answer you" (31). I believe it is the power that she finds in the water which allows her to stand up for herself and what she wants, instead of giving in to the wishes of others just because it's what is expected of her.


  1. I definitely agree with you here. The scene of Edna in swimming is so full of symbolism, and I think we could go on for a while teasing that scene apart. The line you quoted first about being a child realizing her powers says the most. It is basically saying that Edna realizes her new found potential, without exactly saying that-if that makes sense. I think using the water as a symbolism for her freedom and power is brilliant; especially if we consider the endlessness of the ocean. The ocean is infinite, perhaps just as Edna's new "awakening" is infinite.

  2. Morgan and Paige, I concur with your views. A nice pick up. I see the ocean in this context as a metaphor for the womb. It is here that "the power within" is gestating and higher consciousness being born.

  3. I would agree that the water was definitely the start of her awakening. I think Charles' point about the womb is very interesting, especially since I took it from a different perspective. I saw this as more like a religious ceremony, like rebirth as a new person mentally, with more freedom and decision as towards who you are and what you want. I think it is very interesting to see that point of view, especially considering that calls to mind physical rebirth in addition to awakening.
