Friday, March 20, 2015

My Foundations Revisited

I loved "Foundations of the Earth" because of its ability to make me reconsider myself and examine my conscience.  After reading a profound sentences like "He used to say it was harder being black in this country than gay.  Gays can always pass for straight; but blacks can't always pass for white. And most can never pass."  I found myself a little emotional and quite taken aback at the depth of those words.  I cannot imagine what it must have been like for anyone in that time carrying a double burden like these young men.  It brought me back to "No Name Woman" and I wondered how much fear she carried and how sad it is that she was so trapped in her circumstances but could not leave family behind like Edward.  She was openly persecuted and they persecuted themselves; Edward bolting to avoid it...but I began to wonder if Bret wasn't the same kind of character?  Always running and never settling because she hates who she is and cannot face her detractors.  As I sit and ponder all these thoughts it occurs to me that kindness is our most scarce resource in this world.  We think aloud and never consider the weight of the words and stories like this put that into perspective for me.  What would an ounce of kindness have done for the nameless one and her child or would Edward have lived?  Would Bret settle if she could forgive herself and find an avenue without detractors?  Even looking back as far as Bradstreet shaming herself for having brilliant words on paper?  I don't think I'll ever understand the need we feel to shame and stomp others to feel success but I hope the epidemic fades before we know more characters just like these.


  1. I too hope that hate stops being spread and in its place kindness, acceptance, and love are spread. I'm very fearful that it can't be stopped though. There is so much negativity and terror in our world today, and most of the time I feel like there is nothing I can do to change it. I guess all we can do is ensure that we are spreading love and encouraging others to do so as well.

  2. I like what you're saying here. For people who may feel down on themselves or worthless, kindness from others can be exactly what they need to pick themselves up again and feel valued as human beings. It is important to consider how our words can affect people, the good and the bad.
