Friday, March 20, 2015

I Love Sedaris

When I saw we were reading Sedaris for Monday's class, I got so excited. I couldn't remember if I had read "Go Carolina" before, but I have read other excerpts from Me Talk Pretty One Day, and I have also read his novel Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls (which I recommend). At the last college I went to in Baltimore, I was able to attend a reading by Sedaris, and he is even more fantastic, and hilarious, in person. That's my favorite thing about him, his humor. He is not afraid to joke about his sexuality, because he embraces it. The fact that he associates a lisp as a child with being homosexual is too funny, because obviously, not all children who have a lisp are homosexual. I really can't choose one excerpt or line from this piece as my favorite, because I love his work, but I did laugh out loud at a few parts. Sedaris is not afraid to be crude in his work, which I love, because that's what I find humor in. I laughed, probably too hard, when Sedaris said that Miss Samson would devote herself to "yanking out healthy molars or performing unwanted clitoridectomies on the schoolgirls of Africa" (8-9). Call me crude, but this is why I love Sedaris. I find a lot of things funny, but crude humor is at the top of my list.


  1. Paige, I noted the humor in this piece as well but decided not to write about it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Humor is a healthy way of dealing with the world. We can either laugh or cry. Sedaris has chosen the former. I would love to see him read his work. Thanks for sharing that experience.

  2. I also found this text to be hilarious, particularly the line you mention! So you aren't alone in loving crude humor!

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