Friday, March 13, 2015

No Name Woman Life as Legend

I liked how this story essentially gives life to all women who have been victims of the abuse the no name woman suffered by the hands of her community. I have read this story many times and I have never taken the story of the aunt as fact. Instead I have seen her as something of a symbol and I feel that when Kingston speculates on what could have happened to her Aunt it makes that stand out even more. As Kingston speculates I see multiple different women, all in similar situations, and all with the same ending. To me this ending is tragic for any woman even one who were thought to have "done something wrong". I like the idea of this becoming a legend of sorts because it shows others that they are not the only ones who have been through this situation and that they are not the ones who are in the wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the empowerment she got in the end as well stopping up the well and ruining their water supply. They may have ruined her and made her life hell but she took their life source in taking her own. Poetic Irony at it's finest.
