Friday, March 13, 2015

Maggie's Dream

I was kind of disappointed that we did not get to talk more about Maggie's dream, so I decided that I would dedicate this week's blog to doing such! I like Dr. Hanrahan's idea that when God was speaking to Maggie in her dream he was not doing to maliciously, but to rather re-direct her thought process. I feel as if a part of Maggie felt guilty because right before Edward died she was ready to, "confront him with her fury" because he had estranged himself from her (56). Maggie felt a sense of entitlement for being the one to raise Edward into a, "well-mannered" boy and she believed that Edward did not respect the fact that she had made him into the person he was. In all actuality, while Maggie was doing herself a great justice by deeming herself the reason Edward was a good person,  she was forgetting that God was the ultimate being who made Edward's existence possible.  In her dream God asks Maggie, "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (59). Maggie was replacing God's importance in Edward's life and she was asked this question to be reminded that she was not the giver of life. I think that her dream was a way to remind her who the real creator was so that she could realize that she had no ultimate say on what happened to Edward or who he became for God already had a plan laid out for him. It was God's way of connecting with Maggie to help set her on the path to learning to accept people for who they are, who God sees them as, to make her a better person in the end.

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