Friday, March 13, 2015

Culture along with fables

I can't help but to keep thinking about "No Name Woman" and how clever it is. As we discussed in class briefly how it could possibly just be the girls mother telling her this tale to keep her from having sex before marriage. In some other cultures you base your decisions off of how they effect your family and reflect your name. Dr. Burke once told a story of a student of Asian decent who was a smart and fairly well behaved student, her only downfall was that her and her friends were a bit chatty during class. Well, long story short she told the girls parents all of this and the next day she came to school and all her hair was cut off. The mother did this while she was sleeping, for putting shame on the family. I keep reading "whenever she had to warn us about life, my mother told stories that ran like this one, a story to grow up on," and I can not help but to think that this mother is telling a tall tale to scare her daughter straight (2746). Whether or not the story of the aunt is true, there has to be a reason for the mother to be telling it at this point in time to her daughter.   A lot of parents use  scare tactics to stear their children down the right path.  This story also reminded me of Shame by Salman Rushdie and how a female character is put to shame for everyone's actions and too ends up killing herself and many others. This story is based on a Muslim family however the culturistic similarities of the stories are impeccable.

1 comment:

  1. I thought of "Shame" too Danielle! It is amazing how pride trumps love in so many situations and it isn't held to any one culture. I know for my family of Armenian decent shame was considered a sin against all and you faced the matriarch and her disappointment if you stepped out so we tried to be careful. When I had little ones, the one thing I tried the hardest to do was never pressure or shame them. I wanted confident and secure people proud of who they were and ready to face anything. I know I made mistakes, but raising neurotic people needing sedatives to survive wasn't one of them. Are they brats sometimes- yes, but they are confident in that too lol! I think having real talks about consequences suffices and scaring children to death becomes epidemic. That said, to each their own and it's not a science- we do the best we can and hope they turn out ok.
