Friday, March 6, 2015

The Awakening of a Mother

"The Awakening" by Kate Chopin shows the evolution that women go through as they grow up and are faced with the age old question: Do women go after what they want or do they live up to society's expectations and settle for becoming wives and mothers? 

The protagonist, Edna, is the perfect example of what can happen when women have to make these decisions for themselves. While she may love her children, it is evident by her actions that she does not have a desire to be a mother. She had kids because that was simply the next logical step after getting married. Even her husband is critical of her neglect for her children which he speaks to in Chapter 3 of the novel. 

I do not think that Edna has neglect for her children. I think that she has love for her children in a familial way, in that you are happy to be around them, but then you are happy when you get a break from them, rather than the motherly love that most mothers instantly feel for their children. I think she was just a woman who was giving into societal pressure. I do not think she should be faulted for having dreams outside of her family as everyone does to an extent. 

I am curious as to how others interpret her relationship with her children. Do you think she has love them or does she just tolerate them out of force?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Edna loves her children but I believe in her heart what she really desires is complete freedom from responsibility to anyone but herself. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as you realize it before you are in a situation that you can't get out of. I believe many women in our society still make the decision to have children without realizing that they are literally going to be responsible for the life of another human being. Too often children are neglected after they're born or get raised by a grandparent because the mother and father could not handle the pressure. Not everyone should be a parent.
