Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tragic Inferiority

As long as I read this story the way it was meant to be read, I am disappointed and somewhat disgusted. I am not a hard core feminist, but I believe women deserve equally, as well as many other things. There are not many things I dislike more than the situation brought up in this story. The fact that a Chinese-American woman was basically raped by a white man, yet takes her own life for the kept secret, is completely unfair. She is disowned by her family and other members of society while she is pregnant, and even more so after she kills herself. This woman did not even give the man's name. The woman in the story "kept the man's name to herself...To save her inseminator's name she gave silent birth" (2750). How tragic that this woman was violated, but is the one being punished because she is inferior and has absolute no place or right to speak up according to society.


  1. "No Name Woman" is a disturbing story and I agree that women deserve equality. However, I think you have to keep in mind the cultural expectations of Chinese women (especially in 1924), because they live in a very strict society (I am not saying it is right, we just have to understand the culture). Also, the text never says that the 'No Name Woman' was actually raped, that is all speculation by Kingston. Kingston's aunt jumped into the well, because she knew that she would be put death regardless of the circumstances. Also, to protect her child, especially if it is a girl.

  2. I also agree that it is quite a tragic story, but I agree with Kristen and I think you have to keep the culture in mind. It certainly is crazy to think about, however, that such a society, where this could/did happen to a woman ever existed.

  3. I can see where you guys are saying that it is important to keep the culture in mind, but it is also important to look at this being a work that is published and circulated. This work would be viewed by different societies across the world, and each culture has perceived it differently. I think the fact that you were disturbed is the reaction that Kingston wanted.

  4. I also was horrified by double standard in this story. The man who got the aunt pregnant suffered no consequences, and probably repeated his offense. As a woman, the aunt had no control of her situation, yet was held solely responsible for the act.
