Thursday, March 26, 2015

Fun Home the Musical

As someone that usually reads comic books, I was really interested in finding more out about this book. Apparently a musical has been produced about the book. I wanted to share the link with you guys. It looks hilarious.

As often as we see books become movies, I find it strange that a graphic novel turned into a musical. The graphic novel touches on some dark subjects like child abuse. Do you think it was purposely turned into a musical because a regular film would be too hard to pull of the tragicomedy?

Fun Home Musical

1 comment:

  1. From a theatre perspective (I consider myself a theatre nerd), I think musicals are allowed more of a towing of the line so to speak. They can touch on the dark while mixing in the light and making the audience forget how sad the content because they spontaneously break into song so the mind becomes focused on something else, such as choreography or stylization, more so than storytelling. In a movie, once you are sucked into the plot it becomes hard to focus on anything else. Maybe it is easier for a musical to lighten the emotional load than it would be for a director with a movie.
