Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Grade Guidelines

This is the rubric I'll be using to grade your weekly posts and comments. I'll send you your grade and feedback via email each week.

Weekly Grade of 90-100: Exceptional Work
·         One or more posts of around 150 words
·         Posts are focused on one clear topic/idea/question
·         Posts demonstrate exceptional critical and creative thinking skills
·         Posts are clearly organized
·         Posts use textual evidence (brief citations are enough) to argue/support specific points and/or refer to someone else’s posts
·         Posts and comments contain no errors in punctuation, usage, and spelling
·         At least two significant (error-free) comments on other posts

Weekly Grade of 80-89: Very Good Work
·         One or more posts of around 150 words
·         Posts are mostly focused on one topic/idea/question
·         Posts demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills
·         Posts are clearly organized
·         Posts use evidence to argue/support specific points and/or refer to someone else’s posts
·         Posts and comments contain only one or two errors in punctuation, usage, and spelling
·         At least two significant (error-free) comments on other posts

Weekly Grade of 70-79: Competent/Acceptable Work
·         One post of around 150 words
·         Post is somewhat focused around one topic/idea/question
·         Post demonstrates some critical and creative thinking skills
·         Post contains some evidence to support points
·         Post and comments contain some (but few major) errors in punctuation, usage, and spelling
·         Two significant (error-free) comments on other posts

Weekly Grade of 69 and below: Poor/Unacceptable Work
·         Post is less than 150 words
·         Post is unfocused and/or not specific
·         Post is unclear
·         Post is unorganized
·         Post uses little to no evidence
·         Post contains a number of errors in punctuation, usage, or spelling
·         Comments are non-existent or insignificant or error-ridden

Note: One or fewer comments per week will automatically drop your grade to a 50 or lower, even if you have written your weekly post (and no matter how strong that post is).

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